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Editor’s Note 0

Recently we wrote about the confusion with the College Board’s policy on how to report SAT scores. Before that there was (and continues to be) confusion as to what strategy is best when applying to colleges. But now, the addled college applicant can encounter a maze of ever changing invididual college policies that can add to the mystery of college applications.

If after reading this report you have questions, do not hesitate to call or email. We have a special covert de-mystification method that will you enable you to see and think clearly.


Editors note cartoon

SAT Test 0

SAT Test Optional or Not…the Debate Goes On

A year ago, the big news at the annual meeting of the National Association for College Admission Counseling was the release of a landmark report questioning the use of standardized testing. While the report did not call for testing to be abolished, it said that most colleges that required testing in the admissions process did not have a sufficient sense of its value, and the study suggested that careful analysis would lead many of those institutions to stop requiring the SAT or ACT as part of the admissions process. test picture

In the year since the report was released, there has been a steady stream (but not a wave) of movement away from testing requirements. Just in the week before the meeting, Sacred Heart University, the State University of New York at Potsdam and Washington and Jefferson College dropped SAT requirements. In the last year, new forms of going test-optional have also appeared. Some colleges — such as American University and the State University of New York at Geneseo — have gone test-optional for early decision applicants. Other institutions, such as New York University and Bryn Mawr College, moved in the last year to allow the use of SAT II (subject tests) or Advanced Placement tests instead of the SAT. Read more »

Visiting Colleges? 0

Looking Beyond the College Brochures


     If you are serious about going to college, then you need to look beyond those expensive, glossy, full-color college brochures, or fancy websites, which tout the institution’s image and credentials.

Have you ever noticed that a lot of schools seem to have similar characteristics? … They are located in sun-drenched communities where clouds are rare… Classes are small and seminar-like and held on lush, green lawns… A beautiful lake is the visual center of most campuses; ducks and geese abound… It is fall year-round.

Don’t judge a college by its brochure. You must gather first-hand intelligence about the schools on your list. The summertime is the second-best time* for all you high-school juniors who are planning to visit colleges. Read more »

Editor’s Note 0

This year the College Board returned to its policy of years ago called Score Choice. When it was announced last year, my first thought was this only benefits the College Board, not the applicant. It has turned out to be, if not the worst decision, a most confusing one. Score Choice (which allows applicants to select which test results are reported … and which ones are not) was designed to help reduce student stress. But it has produced major headaches instead, especially because some colleges insist on seeing all scores, regardless of the Score Choice option.

This article from the Christian Science Monitor tries to explain how seniors should complete their Common Applications when they are applying to colleges that are honoring Score Choice and those that are not. However, it does not point out that once the Common Application is completed it is NOT necessary to send it to all colleges at the same time.

That is, the SAT scores (if below average for that school) can be edited out before sending to the SAT optional colleges. On the other hand, colleges like Yale that expect to see all SAT scores can be entered before submitting. By the way, if your high school puts ALL standardized test scores onto the official high school transcript, they may leave them off if you request it.

Although there are still many questions and concerns, that the new Score Choice policy evokes, this article should allay some worries about how to tackle the test-score section of the Common App this year.

Withholding SAT Scores 0

For Those Withholding SAT Scores, Advice on Completing the Common Application

By Jacques Steinberg
 Withholding SAT Scores pic
John Nordell/The Christian Science Monitor

As high school seniors and their counselors get deeper into fall, they will surely find themselves wrestling with the fine print and ramifications of the College Board’s new Score Choice policy.

For the uninitiated, Score Choice is a new feature being offered by the College Board that allows applicants to withhold some SAT scores (presumably their lowest, though it’s not necessarily that simple) from the colleges to which they are applying. One potential complication: several dozen colleges, including Cornell, Rice, Tufts and Yale, require students to submit all SAT scores from every occasion in which they have taken the test.

Already, those seniors who have sought to get a jump on filling out the Common Application have been inundating the Common Application support center with questions related to Score Choice, and with reports that they are “flummoxed.” That’s the description Rob Killion, the executive director of the Common Application, used in an   e-mail message to me late Tuesday night. Read more »

Harvard University 0

The ‘Veritas’ About Harvard

by Kevin Carey,

Chronicle of Higher Education, October 1, 2009 

Harvard Boat House

What happens when the gods of high finance dump a gigantic pile of gold on the richest university in the world?

It sounds like the kind of hypothetical one might pose in a smoke-addled dorm room at 2 a.m. But it is, of course, what actually happened to Harvard University, along with a few of its elite competitors, over the last 20 years.

The answer is that the university reveals its true self. It shows the world what it cares about—and what it does not.

In 1990, Harvard had an endowment of about $4.7-billion. That was still a lot of money, about $7.7-billion in today’s dollars. Only five other universities have that much money now. Over the next two decades the pile grew to colossal heights, $36.9-billion by mid-2008.

Harvard spent the money on many things. But not a dollar went to increasing the number of undergraduates it chose to bless with a Harvard education. In 1990 the university welcomed slightly more than 1,600 students to its freshman class. In 2008, $32-billion later, it enrolled slightly more than 1,600 freshmen.  Read more »

Mistakes to Avoid 0

Ten Ways to Ruin Your College Acceptance Chances 

By Jay Mathews
Washington Post Staff Writer
October 1

With just a month before the deadline for early action and early decision applications to many colleges, I offer these examples of wrong-headedness in the admissions process. Many were sent to me by Joseph M. Connolly, a guidance counselor at New Oxford High School in New Oxford, Pa., who has seen much on the job and in postings from counselors and admissions officers to the National Association for College Admission Counseling Web site. Members of my Washington Post discussion group Admissions 101 also contributed.

Remember, these are things you should NOT do.

1. Rack up as many extra points as you can for “expressed interest” in your favorite colleges. This particular obsession was new to me. Connolly has encountered applicants who have inundated admissions offices with voicemails, e-mails and snail mail because they have heard that colleges want concrete indications of interest and don’t think you can overdo it. Believe me, you can. “There is a fine line between showing adequate interest in the school and stalking,” Connolly said. “Unsolicited cakes, pies, cookies, sneakers (the old ‘one foot in the door’ trick), a life-sized statue of you holding an acceptance letter, or a painstakingly detailed scale model of the campus clock tower will not make up for a lackluster academic record.” When colleges look for “expressed interest,” that means they hope that you will show up when their college reps visit your school, that you will visit their campuses and sign the visitor logs in their admissions offices and that you will get your application in on time with no loose ends. If you have a legitimate question, they are happy to receive your e-mail or telephone call. Doing more than that just makes you look desperate, and a little scary. (Ed note: This is how to show interest.) Read more »

Some Students Strikeout Everywhere 0

Some Students Strike Out Everywhere; Others Find ‘Safety’ Starts Looking Pretty Good


Erica A. Seldin finished in the top 5 percent of her class at Cherry Creek High School in suburban Denver, while taking a demanding curriculum that included 10 Advanced Placement courses. She received the highest score possible — five — on most of her AP tests. Ms. Seldin was also president of the school’s Thespian Society, acting in and directing a number of plays. So when it came to applying to college two years ago, she aimed high.

Ms. Seldin compiled a college list that she says included “one reach school, two good matches, and two safeties.” Her reach was Columbia University, to which she applied early decision. Her good matches were Amherst College and Washington University in St. Louis, and her safeties were Brandeis University and the University of Colorado at Boulder. “My counselors and teachers indicated my list was fine,” she recalls.

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