Programs for Education

Are You on Schedule?0

Though saving for college ideally begins at birth, it is not always easy. But there are things you can do along the way that will make it easier or, at least, less stressful.

In fact, from a college selection and admissions’ perspective if your student is a freshman, sophomore or junior there are specific things you should be doing right now.

Here is our recommended college planning time line complete with detailed footnotes. If you have any questions or wish to arrange a “get acquainted” FREE consultation let us know.

scan0006By the way, if you have experienced a loss of value in savings that you have set aside for college or retirement, ask us about our sure-fire asset recovery and creation program. Thousands of families are benefiting from it; many are now paying for college from cash flow alone and not even drawing from their savings.

Please call for an appointment so we can go over the program in person or online via Zoom or SKYPE. You then can decide if this program is right for you. 1 (978) 820-1295.

Yours for college affordability success,

Eric Goodhart

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