September, 2024 archive
How to Show You Are Interested 0
When I looked at colleges, DI stood for drill instructor, not demonstrated interest. Many kids in my generation had very little interest in knowing the DI. In the myriad of acronyms and abbreviations surrounding the college process today, DI refers to the level of interest the applicant demonstrated in a particular college.
How important is the college admissions committee (ad com) placed on demonstrated interest? The answer is not much, some, and very much. In other words, it depends on the college. Emory and American, for instance, will admit it considers the applicant’s level of interest. Others, like Stanford and MIT, may say it does not matter how much interest you show; they look at all applicants equally. But I suspect they say that to ward off students who want to game the system, as you will learn here.
Regardless of what a school may say, I recommend that all students try to show demonstrated interest and learn as much about their prospective colleges as possible. It all starts with research using the AAA method. Once that is accomplished, the student should have a good idea of the appropriateness of each college on his or her list. Is it a good fit intellectually, compatible with one’s values, and, based on the Common Data Set, is it a reach, a 50/50, a safety, or in the snowball chance in ____ category? Not to mention, are they affordable? If such due diligence still leaves the college on the list, further inquiries must be made.
Such inquiries may be described as showing demonstrated interest, and that is fine. For instance, prospective students should know the depth and nature of academic internships and career advising. Other good conversation starters are:
- Is the faculty 100% invested in the teaching of undergrads, and if teaching assistants are used, what are their responsibilities? (Universities primarily)
- What has been the four-year graduation rate over the last four years, and does it vary with major?
- Are specific programs offered in the (your intended major) department going to be expanded or cut back?
- I am a student at a high school that does not give grades. Are you familiar with the ________ Schools curriculum? How do you compare my application with someone from a more traditional high school?
- What will be the merit scholarship criteria for the _______ Scholarship next year?
Do this more to learn more about the school’s attitude toward students than with the intent of buttering up the regional admissions counselor. Colleges can spot the disingenuous inquiry. Thoughtfully think about the questions before you call (or email) them. Of course, be sure you are not asking questions that are already answered in the fast facts or FAQ sections on the college website.
By the way, too many students are taking their safety schools for granted. Applicants should have some good reasons why they would be okay with their safety, too. Carefully research and show interest in them as well. Such fallback colleges have been known to wait-list or reject students whom the adcom has determined would not attend if accepted. No college markets itself as the # 1 favorite safety school, so buyers beware. Even state colleges are hard-pressed to admit the students they once could because of the overflow of applicants. States are cutting back faculty, programs, and other costly expenditures that have once been taken for granted. In many cases, a top student may be able to go to a private college at much less than a state-supported public.
If you are in the Class of 2023, now is the time to review your college list. Most of you will take Subject tests and the ACT this year (because of the latest virus scare, test dates have been expanded). At the end of June, 2022 you will be starting the college application and essay writing process, give us a call or email today.