Programs for Education

20 December 2020 archive

Pursuit of the Truth Should be an Ongoing Quest 0

JFKMany of us remember the inspiring words delivered by our 35th President, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” The Peace Corps was one of JFK’s dreams that is still carried on by not only college graduates but altruistic older adults as well.

JFK woke up many independent thinkers of his generation. But his tragically short administration ended on Friday, November 22, 1963, AP US History books barely talk about it other than to say he was the President prior to LBJ who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  That Act was the culmination of what JFK started albeit slowly because of Democrat resistance in the south during his Presidency.

Subsequent to his death, many thought (as I did) that JFK had the intent to return our current banking system to the control of the US government, not a central bank controlled by international bankers. This would require changing the way the private Federal Reserve did business or eliminating it altogether, as Abraham Lincoln tried to do before he was assassinated. Unfortunately, that may not be accurate, as this historian points out.

In any case, following his tragic death, many changes took place. One may come as a shock to you. It was the scheme by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations to promote and fund the women’s ‘liberation’ movement. As a strong supporter of women, I thought that was a good thing. But there were ulterior motives behind what appeared to be a noble effort by the financial backers of the women’s lib movement.

The private banks that own the Federal and State tax-exempt Federal Reserve    (watch that superb documentary) needed more citizens to pay taxes. More money they printed (out of thin air) and loaned with interest to Congress needed to be paid back. In the 1950’s it was rare that a mother would have a full-time job outside the home. One parent’s income would cover most family needs. In time, because of increased government borrowing and the resulting devaluation of the dollar, it became necessary for both parents to be working to pay the bills for basic goods and services. It was a strategy that has had a subtle negative short and long-term effect on many families. As a Rockefeller family member revealed to the late highly respected movie producer   Aaron Russo, it was designed to do just that.

Most college students don’t know that the Internal Revenue Service is a de facto government agency. It is simply the collection agency for the private international bankers that own the Fed. Not a dime of the Federal income tax paid to the IRS goes to the US government. It all goes to the interest on the debt incurred by our Congress that borrowed the fiat currency to pay for various programs; perpetual wars and covert intelligence activities around the globe.

In July 1944 the world’s leaders met at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH to set the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency backed by gold and silver. In 1971 President Nixon, without consulting with other member nations, severed (“temporarily”) that agreement to link the value of the dollar to gold. The ‘golden age’ and credibility of the US dollar was over. This action was not a temporary measure; the global markets were flooded with fiat money which has increased over the years, leading to massive borrowing to fund the abovementioned questionable activities. For example, just the fraudulent war in Afghanistan costs the US 300 million dollars a day! And do not ignore the even more astronomical other costs of war.

Since the declaration of a worldwide Pandemic at the beginning of 2020 many are questioning why the entire global economic system was shut  down allowing only “essential” businesses to remain open with restrictions. There have been many pandemics, over the years (remember this one?). As long as you are reading about the importance of education, it is important to learn about your natural immune system and the part it plays in protecting you from an illness; something vaccines will NOT DO, because they are not designed for that purpose in the first place. In fact, there is evidence that what is being called vaccines are NOT vaccines at all. But they are actually experimental gene therapy injections and do NOT meet the CDC-stated characteristics of vaccines. (By the way, none of the thousands of victims from vaccinations given to them for Swine Flu in 1976 reported on the 60 Minutes TV show above, like Judi Roberts, who died in 2010, ever got any financial compensation from the pharmaceutical cartel.)

In addition, it is tragic that so-called institutions of “higher” education are still believing all the hype (aka lies and disinformation) and continue to push the allopathic medical/pharmeacuitical narrative. Honest scientific research and little critical thinking still exist there.

Evidence of that is succinctly provided in two recent 30 minute video talks by Dr. David Martin, Ph.D. Watch them both in there entirity before you believe everything on the CFR controlled network news.

There is now talk of a “Bretton Woods II” designed to gradually, but significantly change how business is transacted locally and globally by bringing about what the World Economic Forum officials are calling a “Global Monetary Reset”. Because they know most citizens of the world have limited attention spans they are coming right out with what they plan to do “in plain sight”!  The plan is to replace paper money (currently printed out of thin air) with digitized money, also out of thin air, with no gold or silver backing it as it was originally set up in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference in N.H.. Even PBS’s Elmo on Sesame Street helps the World Economic Forum prepare children for the great “Global Reset”.

Matthew Blake has an impressive resume and a very slick three-minute presentation using jargon that may “cloud men’s minds” to what Klaus Schwab’s agenda for the “Global Reset” really is. Listen VERY carefully as you: Watch this. He finishes his smooth, albeit abstruse,  presentation by ending his PR promo with “At the end of the day…”. A common phrase to soften what basically is a  crime against humanity of massive significance to every human on the planet! For a FULL understanding of the true purpose behind the latest pandemic, one needs to sharpen one’s critical thinking skills and read this detailed analysis in its entirety, something, regretfully, most citizens will not do…will you? For a fact-filled video with an international attorney, watch this.

If you have read this far, you may be asking “what can we do?” You have now learned some of the reasons behind this latest virus scare. Now, more of us need to listen to legal scholars, like Peggy Hall, who is being heavily censored by the CFR-controlled media. This interview will help the reader understand what action is now been taking place in various parts of the world and what the average person can do to stop the insane criminal madness.

Yes, there is a solution!  (Email or call for the password.) But it requires the opening of our hearts and minds and being aware of our own cognitive dissonance. If that common, albeit limited way of thinking is not recognized, it will be very hard, if not impossible, to “see the big picture” let alone change it for the better. Finally, before you ask for the password to my essay that lays out the solution based on accurate knowledge of history NOT taught in schools or colleges carefully listen to this.