20 February 2014 archive
Generations 0
Fifteen years ago two professors at Beloit College in Wisconsin published a list of observations they determined to be characteristic of the entering freshman that would be graduating in 2002. It went viral soon after that and became a greatly anticipated annual event in certain academic circles. It is funny, it is eye-opening and it is scary!
For instance, if you were born post 1995, having a chat seldom involved talking. Java has never been just a cup of coffee; the US has always imposed economic sanctions against Iran; you never attended a concert in a smoke filled arena and rights of passage had more to do with when you got your own cell phone or Skype account than getting a drivers license or car.
The list that will characterize the high school Class of 2014 (that will graduate college in 2018) has not been released yet, but if it will be as terrifying as last years. YIKES!
What an interesting sociological study of the ever changing generational changes.
As a student of a certain era, I look back and reminisce from time to time. It is fun to do that isn’t it? I know that social scientists have put labels on various populations since the twenties.
In what year were you born? How well do you fit within that period of that time?
- 1928 to 1945 ~ The Silent Generation (Some might say the greatest.)
- 1946 to 1964 ~ The Baby Boom Generation
- 1965 to 1980 ~ Generation X
- 1981 to 2002 ~ The Millennial Generation
Now, it may be easy to place yourself into one of those chronologically but if you want to know how you truly fit in a particular generation, I suggest you take the 14 question POP quiz below. 🙂
I took it and found it uncannily accurate. Find out for yourself here.
Presently, all of our students are part of the Millennial Generation and most (but not all) of their parents are Generation X. Holy coffin nails Batman! None of them were alive when JFK was killed. Do they even know what JFK was planning on doing as President? How much have they learned about history in AP History? I hope more than I think based on the annual survey below.
Are you ready for this? Of course you are. Let me know what you think you could add to the list.